#POGIL ANSWER KEYS FOR TEACHERS LICENSE#.INSECURE :').yes he ever say tht,dia tk kesah psl my insecurities.he can accept it.but sorry,I'm still insecure syg :') maaf,aku tk mcm apa yg kau expect". BUT.drg cpl lama, almost 1½year.unlike me and him,cpl tk smpai setahun hehe sometimes I feel,what if I am "she"?poor her actually:').I don't mind if he wanna stay with her. 2nd slide: aku check number dia(my bf) on Getcontact app.ss then bagi dia(as bukti knonnya dia ada girl lain).comel ja drg sv nma dia haha.hmm he told me tht,I'm the the one and only yg dia ada.d tmpt study dia pn majority pljr laki.pp pn sikit ja.so,I'm okay with that.glad to hear that ,the girl that I chat with tu bkn satu tmpt bljr dia.drg just kenal from PUBG and never meet with each other. INSECURE :').yes he ever say tht,dia tk kesah psl my insecurities.he can accept it.but sorry,I'm still insecure syg :') maaf,aku tk mcm apa yg kau expectħ09 Likes, TikTok video from 𝕾𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖍𝖎𝖒 ✨ "1st slide I used my mom's telegram and pretend as her gf(text diri sendiri hehe).just gurau ii sbb nk tngok reaction dia mcm mna and if dia jujur or not ☺️.so, that was his answer.

1st slide I used my mom's telegram and pretend as her gf(text diri sendiri hehe).just gurau ii sbb nk tngok reaction dia mcm mna and if dia jujur or not ☺️.so, that was his answer.